I've been doing my best to become a better photographer....studying up on aperture, exposure, lighting, and trying to figure out the camera I got for Mothers Day 2009. I always do a little editing in photoshop since they're usually not exactly right when I get them straight outta the camera. But today I found a gold mine. Its called the Pioneer Woman's action set. Ree is an awesome photographer, and she has made it SO EASY to do quick edits that make my ok photos fan-freakin'-tastic! Okay....maybe they're not quite pro yet, but all I have to do is click ONCE and her actions do the work for me!! I'll let the pics speak for themselves. These edits literally took 10 seconds to do with the actions. I just had to choose which one I liked best!

If you have photoshop, you can download her 2 sets of actions HERE (she even gives instructions within the actions on how to adjust the actions so that they are just right for your photo).
*To see a higher resolution of these images, just click on them*

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